However, the Bush administration argued that Guantanamo was foreign soil; therefore, US courts would have “no jurisdiction where the US was not sovereign.” Hence the government concluded that those...
Yazar: Rights Agenda Editor
The 67-page report, “‘They Want Us Exterminated’: Murder, Torture, Sexual Orientation and Gender in Iraq,” documents a wide-reaching campaign of extrajudicial executions, kidnappings, and torture of gay men that...
A gap still exists between the rights proclaimed in human rights treaties and the reality in member states. Closing this implementation gap is crucial for all human rights work...
Still, the reality faced by indigenous peoples is all too often far from the human rights principles contained in the Declaration and in human rights treaties. We must step...
Democracy And Human Rights
The ugly truth about the Kurdish question – the Armenian question!?
If we could discuss the Armenian question openly, if we could confront the Armenian tragedy, there would not have been a Kurdish question. We are far from understanding the...
There was interesting news coverage by Afrika last week concerning Maj. Esat Oktay Yıldıran, who served in Cyprus before becoming the commander of Diyarbakır Prison. From the Ergenekon file,...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of the Rebublic of Turkey
According to the information received from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), on May 28, 2009, KESK’s headquarters in Ankara, its branch offices in İzmir and Van, and even...
It is estimated globally there are more than 9 million people in prison, either as pre-trial detainees or as sentenced prisoners and in a majority of countries, prison populations...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
State budgets reveal whether the government is committed to human rights
Highlighting concrete examples of human-rights budgeting, such as the project initiated by the Human Rights Centre at Queen’s University in Belfast or the analysis of Institute for Democracy in...
Moreover, the president suspended the military commission proceedings in Guantanamo and argued that instead of military commissions, he would prefer federal courts or the military justice system prosecute detainees...