30 June 2015 ARTICLE 34 of the Turkish Constitution « Everyone has the right to hold unarmed and peaceful meetings and demonstration marches without prior permission. The right to hold meetings...
Yazar: Rights Agenda Editor
Today’s Zaman Editor-in-Chief Dr. Bülent Keneş was given a suspended sentence yesterday of 21 months in prison over a tweet. Even though Keneş did not even mention a name...
I have many journalist friends who have either a criminal charge pending against them or have already been convicted. Each conviction of a journalist is a chain attached to...
Freedom Of Thought And Expression
Laïcité versus freedom of religion: a Gordian knot within the French republic?
Since its entry into force in 2004, the French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols has been perceived as a matter of concern by actors involved in dialogues...
Turkey’s Council of State, which is the high court for cases related to administrative law, has a long history, beginning in the Ottoman era. Since its establishment in 1868...
Refugee, Asylum And Migration
Mediterranean Sea and Frontex: a deadly war against the weakest
In the aftermath of the Lampedusa tragedy of October 2013, more than 360 lifeless bodies were rescued from the waves in what was then labeled the worst shipwreck of...
Women's Human Rights
Could the İstanbul Convention provide a safe haven for women in Turkey?
Violence against women occurs in, and affects a large spectrum of, countries and cultures all over the world, but in recent years it has been taking place with alarming frequency...
We have seen the latter in the insufferable killing of Özgecan Aslan in Tarsus, Mersin. This was the latest case of violence against women, but it will not be...
Günal Kurşun It is really not an easy word to say for an ordinary Turkish citizen, after all the negative propaganda they receive at school. When we say “genocide”...
Historic opportunity…. ETÖ (Ergenekon Terrorist Organization) presents a historic opportunity for Turkey. Second indictment was made public. The indictment has captured -from all perspectives- the images of coup plotters, enemies...