A gap still exists between the rights proclaimed in human rights treaties and the reality in member states. Closing this implementation gap is crucial for all human rights work...
Press Releases
Still, the reality faced by indigenous peoples is all too often far from the human rights principles contained in the Declaration and in human rights treaties. We must step...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of the Rebublic of Turkey
According to the information received from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), on May 28, 2009, KESK’s headquarters in Ankara, its branch offices in İzmir and Van, and even...
It is estimated globally there are more than 9 million people in prison, either as pre-trial detainees or as sentenced prisoners and in a majority of countries, prison populations...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
State budgets reveal whether the government is committed to human rights
Highlighting concrete examples of human-rights budgeting, such as the project initiated by the Human Rights Centre at Queen’s University in Belfast or the analysis of Institute for Democracy in...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
Millions of European children still denied an education – new global report
In developing countries with the largest number of children out of school, such as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan minority and indigenous populations enjoy far less access...
A photo gallery will to be permanently located at IPC-IG office and open for public visitation. A series of photo exhibitions will also be organized in several cities around...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights concludes his visit to Turkey
The Commissioner encouraged the authorities to take further action in order to protect fully minority members’ freedom of expression and align legislation and practice with the case law of...
2009 Press Releases
Press Releases
“The right to housing is essential in a democratic society”, says Commissioner Hammarberg
“Many people across Europe are experiencing a great housing need which is exacerbated by the current economic crisis. Significant numbers of people cannot access housing in the market while...
In 2007 and 2008, OMCT demonstrated through studying numerous cases that those whose economic, social and cultural rights had been violated were often imprisoned and mistreated if they protested....