15.06.2007 Stockholm/Sigtuna, Sweden 13-15 June 2007 Hosted by Sveriges Riksdag – the Swedish Parliament, the Government of Sweden and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions Forum for...
Selected Titles From Human Right Agenda
13.06.2007 More than 140 cybercrime experts from some 55 countries, international organisations and the private sector met at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 11 and...
11.06.2007 Child Labour in Agriculture 12 June 2007 This year on 12 June, World Day Against Child Labour focuses on the elimination of child labour in agriculture. Worldwide, agriculture...
Selected Titles From Human Right Agenda
Dick Marty: “high-value detainees” were held at secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania
10.06.2007 Parliamentary Assembly rapporteur Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE) reveals new evidence that US ”high-value detainees” were held in secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania during the period...
06.06.2007 Committee of Experts for the Devolopment of Human Rigts-Council of Europe Report on Human rights in a multicultural society The wearing of religious symbols in public areas: Most...
06.06.2007 Committee of Experts for the Development of Human Rights-Council of Europe Report on Human Rights in a Multicultural Society Hate Speech: The right of the press to disseminate information on matters...
09.05.2007 Irkçılığa ve Milliyetçiliğe Dur De! Ji Nîjadperestî ûNeteweperestiyê re Bêje Bise! Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism! Sag Stopp zum Rassismus und Nationalismus! Dis stop au racisme et...
Selected Titles From Human Right Agenda
Kosovo: Declaring End to Future Status Talks, UN Envoy to Present ‘Realistic Compromise’
12.03.2007 New York,Mar 12 2007 1:00PM Neither Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian-led Government nor Serbia have shown any will to reach a negotiated accord on the future status of the Serbian...
08.03.2007 Today, on International Women’s Day, it is more important than ever to see how far we have come and how far we still have to go. The Treaty...
22.02.2007 CIA activities in Europe: European Parliament adopts final report deploring passivity from some Member States Justice and home affairs – 14-02-2007 – 13:51 Over one thousand CIA-operated flights...