Ergenekon Case, Democracy and Human Rights

HRRA: Ergenekon Case


April 2009

Ergenekon Case has been a great importance in Turkey’s actual public opinion approximately for a year. Ergenekon Case, which appears in the time of Chief of General Stuff of the Armed Forces Yaşar Büyükanıt and İlker Başbuğ and including some commanders of the army and various retired and military officers and many journalists, academicians, names from the underworld, leaders of non-governmental organizations, headman of political parties and organizations like PKK, DHKP-C and Hizbullah being claimed as their non-governmental collaborationists, is alleged to organize an army coup so as to take down the government and parliament that were voted and Ergenekon Case has a great significance in establishing democracy and human rights in Turkey. Ergenekon Case is a historical opportunity for Turkey that had been subjected to the army coups, countless interventions to human rights and a great many anti-democratic applications. This opportunity should not be missed.

Human Rights Agenda Association (HRRA) believes in correlative dependence of democracy and human rights. Therefore, HRRA uttered its worries about the process of Ergenekon Case and gave some advices through its announcement “We want Justice not Revenge!” in 25 March 2008. Similarly, HRRA worries about the case which is going to diverge from its main issues; death-wells, political murders, losses, constitutions against democracy, people making everywhere bloody due to lack of punishment, torturers in the light of the latest progresses that are too much redundant and expanded. Ergenekon Case should keep on touching untouchable elitists having been fed by militarism so far which is suitable for the matter of its indictment and should not focus on wrong channels by diverging from its target.

HRRA endeavours to remind that the political murders has suddenly stopped with the start of Ergenekon Case, however it is tried to start again by some impudent surroundings by creating many diverse excuses. Nevertheless, Ergenekon Case should keep away from the actual knowledge pollution and should focus on its own matter which is being too much expanded.

Turning this case just into judging people who are being claimed to plan an army coup against AKP will mean that it loses the chance to get out of the gangs in the government of Turkey. Trying to establish a contact with the events, circumstances and cases like JITEM, unknown people, Santora, Dink, Malatya murders, Atabeyler and Sauna gangs, headquarters homes that are seemed to have a contact with Ergenekon will prevent us from finding out the real Ergenekon that is spent too much time through too much expanded army coop investigations and Turkish democracy and state of low will be deprived of the necessary acquisitions of the case.


Yours Sincerely,

Human Rights Agenda Association